The network of the future

Digitalisation thanks to 5G networks

Success story BASF Schwarzheide GmbH

The BASF Schwarzheide GmbH success story

Innovative digitalisation thanks to 5G campus networks

Digitalisation is a priority also in the industrial sector. Germany has long been regarded as a pioneer in the transformation to Industry 4.0, but experts warn that the current pace is not sufficient to keep up with growing international competition. 5G campus networks offer a promising answer to these challenges and enable both a noticeable optimisation of existing infrastructures and a multitude of new application possibilities.

Source: ZDF

The Challenge

Difficult framework conditions, growing competitive pressure

As a wholly owned subsidiary of BASF SE, BASF-Schwarzheide GmbH has the same ambition as its parent company when it comes to digitalisation: to play a clear pioneering role in the industry. The company faces challenges due to the structural environment in Germany, in particular the demographically induced shortage of skilled labour and the sharp rise in energy costs.

The company's clear strategy is to meet these challenges through innovation and technological solutions, including digitalisation. The aim is to react quickly to changing conditions and strengthen the site's resilience to the so-called VUCA world – volatility, uncertainty and complexity. Being able to work in a more agile and mobile way using the latest technology is also an important factor in recruiting young talent and therefore also contributes to the future viability of the company.

Under these conditions, BASF Schwarzheide GmbH has a large number of digital and networked applications that require reliable and powerful connectivity. The company has decided to set up its own 5G campus network for this connectivity and to work closely with Vodafone Business to realise it.

Die Zahl der 5G-Campus-Netze steigt weltweit.

The Company

Part of the world's largest chemical group

BASF Schwarzheide GmbH has been part of the BASF Group since 1990 and employs around 2,000 people in the south of Brandenburg. As a chemical company, BASF in Schwarzheide makes an important contribution to greater sustainability by promoting the integration of renewable energies, organising its production in an energy-efficient manner and aligning its activities with the principle of the circular economy. The product range includes polyurethane base products and systems, crop protection products, water-based coatings, engineering plastics, foams and performance chemicals.

The production site of BASF Schwarzheide GmbH is located in the south of Brandenburg and is one of the largest sites within the BASF Group in Europe. BASF Schwarzheide GmbH helps its customers to be successful as a reliable partner with intelligent system solutions and high-quality products. Around a dozen partner companies have already established themselves at the Schwarzheide site.

The Solution

Site-wide 5G campus network in Schwarzheide

"5G offers clear advantages where machines communicate with each other, large amounts of data are exchanged almost in real time and latencies must be minimised," says Ole Gütschow, Head of Automation Technology and OT Connectivity at BASF Schwarzheide GmbH. He already counts a total of around 60 use cases that will utilise the emerging 5G campus network. These include the flexible and quickly realised network connection of production plants, the tracking of large-scale equipment through to construction site containers, the networking and predictive maintenance of process analysis devices, telemetry applications, the control of industrial robots and drones, the networking of native sensors, for example for energy metering, as well as the networking of cameras for security systems, but also for image evaluation as part of quality assurance measures.

"We see many more future fields that we will be able to realise once the 5G campus network is fully operational," emphasises Andreas Seide, Business Development and Site Marketing at BASF Schwarzheide GmbH. In the short term, the focus will be on replacing cable-based networking, while in the medium term, the expert expects autonomous systems to grow enormously in importance.

5G is an important enabler for a wide range of applications.

Andreas Seide – Business Development and Site Marketing, BASF Schwarzheide GmbH

"Replacing cables in networking may not sound as exciting as other use cases," admits Ole Gütschow. "But this example is the one that benefits most quickly and clearly from the advantages of a 5G campus network. Many use cases would not be feasible at all with cable-based networking, but with 5G they can be realised quickly, easily and cheaply." In the future, more and more versatile applications for the local 5G network will be added to this use case.

BASF is developing many of the solutions mentioned above itself, in some cases with external partners, suppliers or universities, as well as in close collaboration with Vodafone Business, particularly in the area of connectivity. "We chose Vodafone because the company was an early and consistent adopter of 5G technology and actively contributed to the development of 5G campus networks," explains Andreas Seide. "Our close and trusting collaboration has confirmed this assessment at all times: Vodafone is convincingly contributing its huge 5G expertise to the joint network construction and joint solution development. Both partners benefit from this."

The 5G campus network at BASF's Schwarzheide site was put into operation as a test field in January 2022 and went live in mid-2024. A total of six antenna masts were erected at the site to provide the entire location with 5G network coverage. The first use cases had already been tested in advance as pilot projects and went live with the activation. Further solutions based on the 5G campus network are now being realised step by step.

Innovative Usecases dank 5G-Campus-Netz

The Advantages

Completely self-sufficient wireless network

BASF Schwarzheide GmbH benefits from a customised 5G infrastructure that operates on the company's own frequencies and as its own, completely self-sufficient radio network on the company's premises. There, 5G connectivity enables a wide range of applications.

Powerful connectivity
for a variety of digital use cases.

Exclusive radio resources
ensure high capacity, high availability and high security.

Full control over operation and design:
Data remains in your own network and data centre.

Standardised mobile radio transmission technology
with proven performance parameters and a wide range of end devices.

5 questions for A. Seide and O. Gütschow

Competitive advantages thanks to 5G campus networks

5 questions for Andreas Seide and Ole Gütschow

"The 5G campus network increases competitiveness"

As part of the world's leading chemical group BASF, the Schwarzheide site is focussed on growth and competitiveness. Here, Ole Gütschow, Head of Automation Technology and OT Connectivity, and Andreas Seide, responsible for Business Development and Site Marketing at the company, explain how the new 5G campus network is helping to achieve these goals.

Why is BASF Schwarzheide GmbH relying on its own 5G campus network?

Andreas Seide: With the expansion of the 5G campus network, we are taking the next important step in the digitalisation of our location. This mobile technology is an important enabler - it allows us to make existing applications more economical and to realise new, innovative applications that are not even foreseeable or conceivable today.

What specific advantages does 5G mobile technology offer over other networking solutions?

Ole Gütschow: 5G offers particular advantages where machines communicate with each other, large amounts of data are exchanged in near real time and latency must be minimised. With delay times of just ten milliseconds, the network reacts almost in real time and faster than any other previous generation of mobile communications. With 5G, the network also saves up to 20 per cent power compared to previous mobile technologies.

5G offers particular advantages where machines communicate with each other.

Ole Gütschow – Business Development and Site Marketing, BASF Schwarzheide GmbH

What practical advantages do you expect from this?

Andreas Seide: 5G is therefore a key technology for new automation applications, the use of robots and drones and the ongoing digitalisation of production facilities. The 5G campus network increases the competitiveness of our location and will also help us to offer young talent an attractive and meaningful working environment.

Why did you decide in favour of an isolated 5G campus network?

Ole Gütschow: We have the highest requirements in terms of the availability, exclusive capacity and detailed design of the 5G infrastructure on our company premises. We also have high security standards. For all these reasonts, the "Vodafone Business Campus Isolated" solution was the ideal choice.

How do you rate the co-operation with Vodafone in the implementation?

Andreas Seide: Our collaboration has been close and trusting from the very beginning. It includes close coordination in the development of joint solutions.

Ole Gütschow: And Vodafone is contributing its extensive 5G expertise to this joint solution development and network construction at all times.

Revolution in robotics

Autonomous systems as an opportunity

Autonomous systems as an opportunity

How AI and 5G are revolutionising robotics

When they appear at major events, they attract everyone's attention: we're not talking about Hollywood stars, but autonomous systems – better known as robots. A current example is IFA 2024 in Berlin, where robots and intelligent assistants particularly fascinated the audience.

However, the new generation of robots is far more than just a smart gimmick – it has the potential to fundamentally transform our economy. In sectors such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare and retail, the trend towards more automation is already clearly recognisable. Industry 4.0 and advances in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and high-speed networks are opening up new opportunities for the development of intelligent and collaborative robotic systems.

Find out here how AI and 5G are taking the performance of robots to a new level and driving these developments forward. These two key technologies are closely linked and offer far-reaching economic and social opportunities:

1. AI as an engine for autonomous systems

Improved decision-making: Advances in machine learning will enable robots in 2024 to make complex decisions and react better to unexpected situations. Robots learn from experience and thus increase their autonomy and efficiency.
More natural interaction: AI-based speech recognition facilitates interaction between humans and robots, which is particularly important in households, hospitals and care facilities.

2. 5G as a crucial infrastructure for robotics

Real-time communication: 5G offers extremely low latency times and high transmission rates, allowing robots to communicate with each other and with centralised systems in real time. This is essential for autonomous robots and vehicles.
Edge Computing: With 5G, computing-intensive tasks can be outsourced to powerful cloud or edge systems, making robots more cost-effective and efficient.
Collaborative robotics: 5G makes it possible for several robots to work simultaneously in teams and be coordinated in real time. 

3. Interaction of AI and 5G

Faster processing of sensor data: Robots equipped with AI continuously collect sensor data, which can be processed in real time thanks to 5G. This significantly improves responsiveness and precision.
Autonomous vehicles and drones: The combination of AI and 5G is accelerating the introduction of autonomous vehicles and drones that are permanently networked with other systems in order to navigate safely and efficiently.

4. Economic and social impact

Competitive advantages: Companies that rely on AI-supported robots with 5G benefit from greater efficiency, lower costs and faster response times.
New business models: The combination of AI and 5G creates scope for innovative concepts such as ‘robotics-as-a-service’, where robots are offered as a service.

To summarise, AI in combination with 5G forms the basis for the development of powerful and networked robots that can already perform complex tasks in real time and enable new applications in various industries.

Fancy more? In our podcast ‘Digital Pioneers’, you can expect exciting insights into the capabilities of modern robots and future developments that will shape automation and industry.