Wir sind Vodafone Deutschland



Wir treiben den Netzausbau in Deutschland voran – unter der Erde und in der Luft. Von Aachen bis Zwickau, von der Nordsee bis zur Zugspitze.

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Wir schaffen starke Netze für die digitale Gesellschaft der Zukunft.

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Wir leben einen Open-Innovation-Ansatz für neue Ideen und Partnerschaften – mit unserem Innovation Park & Vodafone UPLIFT.

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Das Executive Committee ist unsere Geschäftsleitung und wird angeführt von CEO Marcel de Groot.

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Die Vodafone Group ist einer der größten Telekommunikations- und Technologie-Konzerne der Welt.

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Kontakt zu Vodafone

Kontakt für Privatkunden

PIN & PUK, Rechnung & Vertrag, Festnetz, LTE & Internet, Prepaid (CallYa), Erste Hilfe & Sicherheit, Roaming und mehr.

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Kontakt für Geschäftskunden

Rechnung, Roaming, Mailbox, Kennwörter, SIM-Karten, Umzug & Kündigung und mehr.

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    Kontakt für Privatkunden

    PIN & PUK, Rechnung & Vertrag, Festnetz, LTE & Internet, Prepaid (CallYa), Erste Hilfe & Sicherheit, Roaming und mehr.

    Kontakt für Geschäftskunden

    Rechnung, Roaming, Mailbox, Kennwörter, SIM-Karten, Umzug & Kündigung und mehr.

    Kontakt für Medien

    Unser Newsroom steht für redaktionelle Fragen zur Verfügung. Wir freuen uns auf den Dialog.

    Kontakt für Start-ups

    Du möchtest Deine Innovation beschleunigen und mit Vodafone UPLIFT kooperieren?

    Kontakt für Bewerber

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    Kontakt für Lieferanten

    Du bist Lieferant von Vodafone oder hast Fragen zum Liegenschaftsmanagement?

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  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    As Europe turns to consider its own approach to competition, Vodafone has opened the conversation with a new report – What can we learn from Vodafone’s merger with Three in the UK?
    We believe Europe can draw on the lessons of the UK Competition & Markets Authority’s Final Report granting conditional approval to the merger of Vodafone and Three in the UK.
    We set out what we believe led to the change in approach to mobile mergers in the UK. And we put forward the main lessons for any future assessment of mobile mergers in the European Union.
    Discover more here: https://lnkd.in/e345hFhe

    #Policy #Vodafone #Europe

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Vodafone has been recognized by Microsoft 365 as an “Agent of Change.” 👩💻

    We're proud to be an organization that's harnessing the transformative potential of AI to drive real business value.

    Discover more in Microsoft 365's full list here: https://lnkd.in/eGMTADhF

    #Copilot #AI #Business

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    📣 La Vodafone România, peste jumătate dintre angajații noștri sunt femei și ne mândrim cu un echilibru sănătos între femei și bărbați în poziții de management. Este un motiv de bucurie pentru noi și am sărbătorit 1 și 8 martie cu mărțișoare dulci pentru toți colegii, iar pentru colege, și cu flori și sesiuni de wellbeing. Colega noastră și instructoarea de yoga Ecaterina Nazareanu ne-a ajutat să începem zen ziua, iar Mihaela Brăilescu, dietetician acreditat, ne-a fost alături într-o sesiune specială, în care am mai descoperit câteceva despre noi înșine.

    🌻 La mulți ani cu bucurie tuturor femeilor!

    #Martisor #InternationalWomensDay #SpiritofVodafone #TogetherWeCan

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Amazing time at #MWC2025 today! 🙌

    Today we discovered:
    🤝 How we're elevating customer engagement with Vodafone Happy Rewards
    🌐 Digital balance and well-being
    ☁️ The importance of integrating security, connectivity, and cloud for businesses to innovate and compete in a digital-first world.

    Thanks to all who visited our stand, can't wait to see you all for the last day tomorrow! 🔜

    #MWC25 #MWCBarcelona #VodafoneBusiness #VodafoneMWC

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    Zudem war die Diskussion Ausgangspunkt und Anregung dafür, dass Lehrkräfte der Schule auf Basis der Debatte das Thema im Unterricht behandeln können.
  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    What went down on Day One of Mobile World Congress 2025? 📶

    Our MWC TV host, Lucy Hedges, caught up with industry leaders from Vodafone including… 
    ▶️ Our Vodafone CEO Margherita Della Valle on Europe's digital future
    ▶️ Vodafone CTO, Scott Petty

    We shared two important partnership announcements...
    🛰️ AST SpaceMobile and Vodafone to create a European satellite service business to serve mobile network operations in all European markets.
    📱IBM and Vodafone working towards future-proof smartphone security with quantum-safe cryptography.

    Some of our cutting-edge technology and programmes were also unveiled, such as...
    ⭕ Instant Fibre ▶️ Using drones to wirelessly bridge connectivity gaps during repairs

    Stay tuned for Day 2 as we bring you more updates. Learn more about our #VodafoneMWC activity at #MWC25 here: https://lnkd.in/erEXHvfw

    #MWC #MobileWorldCongress #AI #Technology #Event #MWC2025 #Vodafone

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Outsourcing to third parties offers undeniable benefits, but it can also bring challenges, especially in terms of security.

    Recent studies show that:
    ⛓️💥 Nearly 60% of data breaches are caused by third-party involvement
    🔍 Almost 2/3 of organisations have yet to conduct a thorough assessment of third-party risks
    📄 Only 46% of companies have checked the security and compliance of their suppliers

    Explore more in our latest blog. 👇

    #ThirdPartyRisk #SecureSupplyChain

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Drumroll, please! 🥁

    Our theme for Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2025 is Openness. 👐

    📅 3-6 March 2025
    📍 Fira Gran Via, Barcelona
    📌 Hall 3, stand 3E11

    Watch this short interview with Head of Cloud, Edge and Mobile Private Networks Jennifer Gill Didoni and Vodafone MWC TV Presenter Lucy Hedges as they guide us through what this means for the future of work, human potential, and telco solutions! ⤵️

    Read more about what we'll be doing at #MWC25 here:

    Let's shape tomorrow together! 🌐

    #VodafoneBusiness #MWC #VodafoneMWC

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    Das EdTech möchte mit seiner App den Unterricht bereichern und für mehr Motivation beim Lernen sorgen.

    🌐 Mehr über THE ANSWER erfahrt ihr im Interview auf unserer Website: vodafone-stiftung.de/spotlightonedt…

    #BildungNeuDenken #EdTech #Innovation #KI
  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    How are iSIMs revolutionising IoT technology? 🌐

    iSIMs are incorporated into a device’s cellular chipset, making the manufacturing of smaller IoT devices possible.

    Discover more below about their effect on minimising energy consumption and shrinking supply chains ⤵️


    #IoT #iSIM #Connectivity #SupplyChain #Sustainability 

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    👉 Hier findet ihr das vollständige Interview und erfahrt mehr über Julias Blick als Lehrerin auf die Zukunft der Bildung: vodafone-stiftung.de/von-vision-zu-…

    #DigitaleBildung #Digitalpakt
  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Do you want to hear more about our application journey?

    From the interview questions we ask and the adjustments we can make for our roles at Vodafone, we're committed to ensuring equal representation where everyone feels valued and included. That's why we've recently launched our new application journey page which includes...

    ✅ A comprehensive guide about our application process
    ✅ Detailed information on our reasonable adjustments process
    ✅ Dedicated interview page, including information about the questions we ask you
    ✅ Information on our assessments process, including any adjustments we can make
    With you, we can ensure everyone's included. Explore our new application journey page here: https://lnkd.in/eGPfd8Pu
    #Careers #Interviews #Vodafone  

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    What are the benefits of AI networking? 🤖

    AI-powered network solutions are revolutionising how businesses manage their networks.
    From predictive analytics to automated management, AI and ML are empowering IT teams to focus on strategic tasks.

    Find out more about AI-powered network innovations in our blog:

    #AI #IT #VodafoneBusiness #BoundlessWorking

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Embrace OPEN RAN at Our Exclusive Barcelona Event 🌎

    If you are an operator wanting to start with Open RAN, this must-attend event will guide you through the process.

    OPEN RAN Global Connect Event – hosted by Vodafone and NTT DOCOMO.

    ➡️ This session is open to all Mobile Network Operators and Tower Companies interested in Open RAN and will be held in Barcelona on Sunday 2nd March at 17.30 CET providing an opportunity to share and discuss progress
    being made in the transition from ‘Development to Deployment’.

    ➡️ Several MNOs worldwide have already implemented #OpenRAN in commercial deployments, demonstrating the growing confidence in the platform readiness and vendor eco-system to meet MNO’s and their customers needs.

    ➡️ This includes areas such as multi-vendor deployments, HW and SW readiness, performance, automation, testing, package management etc.
    At this event, Vodafone and NTT DOCOMO will share some of our experiences and seek your views on adoption of Open RAN and offers the perfect starting point for your Open RAN journey.

    ➡️ Francisco Martín Pignatelli, Head of Vodafone Open RAN together with Sadayuki Abeta, Chief Open RAN Strategist of NTT DOCOMO will be speaking.
    NTT DATA supported by OREX SAI, INC. have made their Barcelona office available to host this free event, but spaces will be limited so please respond to via the email address below by February 19th to secure a place.
    Please send your Name, Company, Job title and email address to - openran_connect_event@ml.orexsai.com for us to contact you and secure your participation.

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    👉 Den Link zum gesamten Gespräch findet ihr hier: educouch.podigee.io/165-neue-schul…
  • Vodafone Deutschland on YouTube

    Frühjahrsputz bei Vodafone: Samsung Galaxy A56 für nur 1€

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Integrate your mobile and collaboration tools with Vodafone Business Mobile for Microsoft Teams Phone – available now.
    By enabling a truly mobile-first experience, employees can use a single number across all devices, making it easier than ever to stay connected—whether in the office, at home, or on the go.

    One Number, Total Access – A single SIM-enabled number works across mobile and Teams devices for effortless, professional connectivity.

    Cost-Effective – Replace legacy PSTN costs and complexity with an all-in-one mobile experience with a single number that works across devices.

    Secure & Compliant – Enterprise-grade security, policy controls, and compliance integration for peace of mind.

    Boosted Productivity – Seamless communication across devices keeps teams connected, responsive, and efficient anywhere.
    Power your hybrid workforce with a solution that brings mobile and collaboration together, backed by Vodafone’s reliable mobile network.
    Find out more 👉 https://lnkd.in/eAReZpCh

    #MicrosoftTeams #BusinessMobility #HybridWork #VodafoneBusiness #VodafoneUK @msPartner

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    💻 📚 Erste Trainingsinhalte sollen voraussichtlich ab September 2025 in Deutschland, Albanien, den Niederlanden, Portugal, Rumänien, Spanien und der Türkei ausgerollt werden.

    👉 Mehr Infos zur Partnerschaft findet ihr im Beitrag auf unserer Website: vodafone-stiftung.de/partnerschaft-…
  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    What an incredible Day 3 at Mobile World Congress 2025! 📶

    Our MWC TV host, Lucy Hedges, caught up with industry leaders from Vodafone and beyond including…
    ▶️ Vodafone Business CEO, Marika Auramo
    ▶️ Microsoft GM of Worldwide Communication Services Partners, Maziar Zolghadr
    ▶️ CEO of Vodafone Investments, Serpil Timuray
    ▶️ Vodafone Ukraine CEO, Olga Ustinova

    Some of our cutting-edge technology and programmes were also unveiled, such as...
    ⭕ Our Network Sensing demo ▶️ https://lnkd.in/eCjYvsdT

    Watch more #VodafoneMWC interviews from #MWC25 in our playlist here: https://lnkd.in/ehnRzFCk

    Stay tuned for Day 4 as we bring you more updates.

    #MWC #MobileWorldCongress #IoT #Technology #Event #MWC2025 #Vodafone

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch nach Delmenhorst und viel Spaß auf dem Abschlussevent in Bucharest, wo sich die nationalen Gewinner:innen aus neun Ländern treffen und ihre Lösungen präsentieren und diskutieren werden.

    #SkillsUploadJr #FakeNews #KI
  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Join us at #MWC2025 for an inspiring V-Talk by our CEO Marika Auramo on "Enabling Customers with AI". 🎙️

    🕒 16:30 CST

    Don't miss this opportunity to learn from industry leaders and explore the future of AI in business. 💡

    #MWCBarcelona #VodafoneMWC

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Day 1 at #MWC2025! 🤝

    Thank you to everyone who visited our stand and joined us in exploring the latest trends in connected industries, smart cities, and more!

    Missed us today? No worries! We have more exciting sessions lined up for the next few days.
    ➡️ Visit our stand at Hall 3, stand 3E11!

    #VodafoneBusiness #MWC25 #VodafoneMWC

  • ❓Wo liegt der Handlungsbedarf für die Digitalisierung des deutschen Bildungswesens?

    Über dieses Thema hat unser Geschäftsführer @Matthias Graf von Kielmansegg mit @Bildungsklick auf der @didacta gesprochen. Hier geht es zum vollständigen Interview: youtube.com/watch?v=2AgVLq… https://t.co/ZKRCynnQr2

  • Vodafone Campus wird zur Jurassic World! 🦖🎉 Zum Karnevalsauftakt sorgt unser T-Rex für ordentlich Trubel – Krawatte abschneiden war gestern! 💥Helau & Alaaf an alle Jecken da draußen! 🥳🎭 #GOLoud #GOVodafone #Karneval #Düsseldorf https://t.co/8j2UAfjrEX

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    We're at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this year to showcase the latest innovations in tech and connectivity.

    Our Vodafone MWC TV host Lucy Hedges joined our Head of Cloud, Edge and Mobile Private Networks at Vodafone Business, Jennifer Gill Didoni to uncover what we'll be showcasing at MWC Barcelona.

    Here are some of the things you can expect…
    🥏Fixer drones
    🌧️A network that can sense rain
    📱 IoT devices powered by ambient energy
    ➕ And so much more.

    All can be found at 📍Hall 3, stand 3E11 🗓️ 3-6 March 2025

    Discover more about what's coming from Vodafone at #MWC25 here: https://lnkd.in/ebHM-b58

    #Technology #Innovation #MobileWorldCongress #Vodafone #Connectivity #Drones #IoT #VodafoneMWC

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    🔎 Über das Format: In unserer Interviewreihe „Von Vision zu Veränderung“ treten wir jeden Monat mit spannenden Bildungsprotagonist:innen in den Austausch und erhalten deren Blick auf das Bildungssystem.
  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    Danke an: mobile.schule, Coding For Tomorrow, Forum Bildung Digitalisierung, Weltverband Deutscher Auslandsschulen, und Brian - Amplified Teaching

  • 💌Eine Liebeserklärung an unser Netz – denn wahre Verbindung kennt keine Grenzen. 🌍❤️ Danke, liebstes Netz, dass Du Herzen vereinst – heute & jeden Tag! #HappyValentinesDay #TogetherWeCan #Vodafone
    @deutschetelekom @telefonica_de https://t.co/wmaVXcICa4

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Today is Safer Internet Day 🌐

    We’re sharing our tips to help parents and guardians manage their children’s screen time effectively📱

    Check out our practical guide to using screen time controls here ⤵️


    #SaferInternetDay #Parents #OnlineSafety 

  • Photo from @vodafone on LinkedIn on Vodafone at 2/10/25 at 1:29PM

    Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Vodafone Business IoT is partnering with leading technology, media and telecommunications company Mobily to offer IoT connectivity services in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 
    This agreement grants Vodafone Business IoT customers access across more of the Middle East with reliable and secure connectivity 📶🔒 
    The collaboration leverages our extensive IoT expertise and Mobily’s network capabilities to provide a best-in-class service for customers and partners. 
    Find out more below ⤵️ 

    #Mobily #IoT #Connectivity #Innovation #Technology

  • Photo from @vodafone on LinkedIn on Vodafone at 2/8/25 at 4:23PM

    Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Can you embrace endless opportunities? That's exactly what Luis García Bocos has done over the last 11 years at Vodafone. Luis has been on an incredible career journey of learning and growth, right from the day he started our internship program in 2012!

    From managing the end-to-end HR strategy of our new Malaga and Dresdon innovation hubs, to launching the Vodafone Network Youth Strategy, Luis has played a critical role in managing game changing projects. You can hear more about Luis' journey here: https://lnkd.in/eziZ32Ws

    Can you do what's never been done before? Explore our latest vacancies here: https://lnkd.in/g2TZxiuK

  • Photo from @vodafone on LinkedIn on Vodafone at 2/8/25 at 4:23PM

    Vodafone on LinkedIn

    We’re pleased to announce that Guillaume Boutin will join Vodafone Group in May as CEO Vodafone Investments & Strategy, and a member of the Group Executive Committee. Guillaume will succeed Serpil Timuray, who has decided to leave Vodafone at the end of June after a successful 15-year career, to pursue external opportunities.

  • 🚨 #TagDesNotrufs: Jede Sekunde zählt! Dank #AML wissen 112 und jetzt auch 110 sofort, wo Hilfe gebraucht wird – ein echter Gamechanger. 🚑🚔 Mehr Speed, mehr Sicherheit! Als Mitinitiator von AML macht #Vodafone Notrufe smarter. ❤️🚀 #TogetherWeCan https://t.co/uGxAu0N7rs

    Photo from @vodafone_de on Twitter on vodafone_de at 2/11/25 at 8:22AM
  • „Es sind die Schülerinnen und Schüler, die vorangehen und der Rest muss sehen, dass er mitkommt“

    👥🎙️ Am Dienstag war unser Geschäftsführer Matthias Graf von Kielmansegg im Podcast "EduCouch" zu Gast.

  • Vodafone Deutschland on YouTube

    Frühjahrsputz bei Vodafone: Top-Smartphones für 1€

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    And that's a wrap 🎬

    We've arrived at our final day at Mobile World Congress - uncovering the latest innovations and updates within the telco sector.

    Our MWC TV host, Lucy Hedges, caught up with industry leaders from Vodafone including…
    ▶️ Vodafone's Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer, Joakim Reiter
    ▶️ Vodafone IoT CEO, Erik Brenneis
    ▶️ Vodafone Head of Network APIs, Johanna Wood

    Some of our cutting-edge technology and programmes were also unveiled, such as...
    ⭕ Vodafone Business Tracking Console ▶️ Using #IoT connectivity to provide near real-time visibility and management of high-value assets like containers, trucks and cargo.

    Relive the full #VodafoneMWC experience from #MWC25 in our playlist here: https://lnkd.in/eah8B8tp

    Thanks for joining us at MWC Barcelona. See you again next year!

    #MWC #MobileWorldCongress #IoT #Technology #Event #MWC2025 #Vodafone

  • 💡 Stärkung der digitalen Fähigkeiten und Resilienz von Kindern

    Die Vodafone Group Foundation und Save the Children UK haben vergangene Woche eine Partnerschaft verkündet.

  • Nationale Gewinner:innen der Vodafone Stiftung SUJ Challenge 🏆

    Was sagt eine KI zu den Gefahren von KI? Diese Frage stellten sich Schüler:innen des Willmsgymnasium und führten mit dem AI-Roboter Captcha von eine Debatte zum Thema „Führt AI zu mehr Fake News?“. 🤖

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Join our CMO Amanda St L Jobbins today at #MWC2025 for an exclusive V-Talk about "Vodafone and Bloomberg Primer on Tech" with Bloomberg. 🤝
    🕒 16:30 CET
    📍 Hall 3 Stand 3E11
    See you there!
    #MWCBarcelona #VodafoneMWC

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Vodafone and AST SpaceMobile have signed an agreement to create a jointly-owned European satellite service business to serve mobile network operations in all European markets.

    ▶️ Our SatCo will seek to provide 100% geographic coverage in every part of Europe to give consumers and businesses access to secure space-based cellular broadband connectivity via their Mobile Network Operators.

    ▶️ This will be underpinned by a full network management and network operations centre capability, based in Europe, drawing on Vodafone’s advanced engineering expertise.

    ▶️ Our SatCo will also build and run a network of ground stations to provide backhaul services from these MNOs across Europe to the satellite network in low Earth orbit.

    Find out more here: https://lnkd.in/eqVbmakH

    #MWC25 #VodafoneMWC #ASTSpaceMobile #SatCo #Satellite #Networks #Connectivity #Technology

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Get ready for Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2025! 📣

    Vodafone is excited to showcase our innovative demos that drive growth and transformation in the digital age.

    Visit our stand to explore:
    🔗Open Business Transformation: Intelligent solutions that optimise resources, enhance security, and inspire wellbeing
    🌐 Open Operational Efficiency: Smarter, secure services for more reliable and adaptable operations
    🎙️ Open Human Potential: Data-driven insights and immersive tech to achieve new levels of sporting glory

    Check out the demos we'll be presenting at MWC Barcelona in our interactive story. ⤵️

    #MWC2025 #VodafoneBusiness #VodafoneMWC

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Get ready for Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2025! 📣

    Vodafone is excited to showcase our innovative demos that drive growth and transformation in the digital age.

    Visit our stand to explore:
    🔗Open Business Transformation: Intelligent solutions that optimise resources, enhance security, and inspire wellbeing
    🌐 Open Operational Efficiency: Smarter, secure services for more reliable and adaptable operations
    🎙️ Open Human Potential: Data-driven insights and immersive tech to achieve new levels of sporting glory

    Check out the demos we'll be presenting at MWC Barcelona in our interactive story. ⤵️

    #MWC2025 #VodafoneBusiness

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    💡 Personalisierte Lernförderung soll für mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit sorgen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, hat THE ANSWER die KI-gestützte App Myla entwickelt. Diese ermöglicht Lehrkräften ohne Mehraufwand eine individuelle Lernförderung für die Schüler:innen.
  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Drumroll, please! 🥁

    Our theme for Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2025 is Openness. 👐

    📅 3-6 March 2025
    📍 Fira Gran Via, Barcelona
    📌 Hall 3, stand 3E11

    Watch this short interview with Head of Cloud, Edge and Mobile Private Networks Jennifer Gill Didoni and Vodafone MWC TV Presenter Lucy Hedges as they guide us through what this means for the future of work, human potential, and telco solutions! ⤵️

    Read more about what we'll be doing at #MWC25 here:

    Let's shape tomorrow together! 🌐

    #VodafoneBusiness #MWC

  • Von Vision zu Veränderung: ein Gespräch mit Julia Mosbach 🏫 📚

    In unserem nächsten Interview aus der Reihe „Von Vision zu Veränderung“ sprechen wir mit Julia Mosbach, Lehrerin, Fachleiterin und Vorreiterin im digitalen Lehren.

  • Wow! Was für eindrucksvolle Tage auf der didacta 2025!

    Wir danken all unseren Partnern, Panelist:innen, Workshopteilnehmer:innen und vor allem unseren Gesprächspartner:innen für die vielen Eindrücke, Gedanken und Ideen, die wir mit zurück nach Berlin nehmen dürfen.

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Last week saw us hold our latest Vodafone Technology event and this one was all about the innovative advancements in #AI and how we're using it to help us evolve our network.

    If you missed it, you can catch up and hear the fantastic insights from Simon Norton, Inês Matos and Laura Davis here: https://lnkd.in/exV_sP6n

    And if you want to be a part of the exciting world of Vodafone #Networks, you can view all our latest vacancies, or sign up to our talent community to hear the latest: https://lnkd.in/d8Z6P-sr

    #TogetherWeCan #VodafoneNetworks

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    Eduneon versucht den Bildungseinrichtungen Arbeit abzunehmen, indem Software die Beteiligten bei der Automatisierung von Planungs- und Beschaffungsprozessen, einem effizienten Ressourceneinsatz und der Vermeidung von Fehlinvestitionen unterstützt. 💻
  • Photo from @vodafone on LinkedIn on Vodafone at 2/7/25 at 1:14PM

    Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Vodafone Business is officially 40 years old 🎂

    Marika Auramo, CEO of Vodafone Business, takes a look back across four decades at the company's milestones, as well as its vision for the future.

    Discover the full story here: https://lnkd.in/dxP8rbSf

    #Business #VodafoneBusiness #SMEs

  • Photo from @vodafone on LinkedIn on Vodafone at 2/6/25 at 1:53PM

    Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Last week Vodafone made a historic direct-to-device satellite video call from a standard smartphone 🛰️
    But how does the technology work, and what will it mean for you in the future? 
    Discover how this milestone with AST SpaceMobile is the next step towards making sure we get everyone connected ⤵️

    #Satellite #Technology #Explainer #Connectivity #Networks

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    Dort sprach er gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Klaus Hurrelmann und Host Benjamin Heinz darüber, was unsere Jugendstudie "KI an europäischen Schulen" und die Cornelsen Schulleitungsstudie über den Stand von KI in der Schule verraten.
  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    At Vodafone, we are committed to fostering equality and inclusion.

    On International Women’s Day, and every day, we strive to develop the talent and potential in all women.

    In the workplace...
    ▶️ Achieving gender parity in senior roles with a goal of 40% women in leadership and management by 2030. 
    ▶️ Inclusive policies like global parental leave, flexible working, and support for those impacted by domestic abuse. 
    ▶️Mentoring and networks, including our global Women in Technology, Women in Business and Cycles of Life community.

    Through innovation & skills...
    ▶️ Our Vodafone Foundation's AI skills campaign has reached 20 million young people and provided digital skills training to 300,000 girls from marginalised communities. 
    ▶️ Using AI in recruitment to reduce bias and promote equal opportunity.

    Join us in celebrating the incredible women at Vodafone and beyond.

    Together, we can achieve equality and create a better future for all. 💪✨

    #InternationalWomensDay #Vodafone #Equality #Inclusion #Empowerment

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    Durch die Partnerschaft soll das bereits bestehende europaweite Trainingsprogramm "SkillsUploadJr" der Vodafone Group Foundation für Kinder zwischen 9 und 16 Jahren erweitert und um den Kompetenzaufbau im Bereich Resilienz ergänzt werden.
  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Discover how cloud technology is driving innovation and enabling businesses to thrive. 👇
    Join us at #MWC2025 for Jennifer Gill Didoni's V-Talk on "Cloud Innovation with Google".

    🕒 16:30 CET

    Don't miss out! 🌐

    #VodafoneMWC #MWC25

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    What went down on Day Two of Mobile World Congress 2025? 📶

    Our MWC TV host, Lucy Hedges, caught up with industry leaders from Vodafone including…
    ▶️ VOIS (Vodafone Intelligent Solutions) CEO Gary Adey
    ▶️ VOIS Chief Commercial Officer, Chris Meads
    ▶️ Vodafone Director of Network Strategy and Engineering, Nadia Benabdallah

    We shared two important technology announcements...
    🚨 Mission Critical ▶️ https://lnkd.in/eBwrH7G9
    🔍 Network sensing ▶️ https://lnkd.in/eCjYvsdT

    Some of our cutting-edge technology and programmes were also unveiled, such as...
    ⭕ Ambient IoT ▶️ A label-sized IoT solution that can keep track of port assets without human intervention

    Stay tuned for Day 3 as we bring you more updates. Learn more about our #VodafoneMWC activity at #MWC25 here: https://lnkd.in/eV6X8htj

    #MWC #MobileWorldCongress #IoT #Technology #Event #MWC2025 #Vodafone

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Yesterday our CEO Margherita Della Valle joined the CEOs of Deutsche Telekom, Orange and Telefonica to discuss the challenges facing the continent’s digital progress.
    Europe is falling behind on digital connectivity, as a result of lower investment per capita than in other countries due to a lack of scale.
    The time is now for a European renaissance on digital connectivity. If we can achieve scale, we can unleash the talent we have in connectivity, architecture and innovation, and put Europe back in the fast lane.
    Watch the panel here: https://lnkd.in/ebj5V4q9

    #MobileWorldCongress #MWC25 #VodafoneMWC #Europe #Connectivity #Digital #Networks #Telecommunications

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Europe stands on the cusp of a new digital era that could drive a next wave of growth, productivity, and innovation. Yet an ongoing investment gap in Europe’s digital infrastructure threatens this future.
    The telecoms industry is facing a dilemma where networks are being treated as a common resource. But telecoms networks are not infinite and are facing multiple challenges.
    That’s why we’re calling for a new Framework for Responsible Use of Networks to create meaningful incentives that directly encourage more efficient use of networks. 
    ▶️ We’ve set out measures in our new report that would bring together policymakers, service providers, telcos, and end-users to tackle this conundrum.
    ▶️ Working together, we can realign the incentives that drive traffic growth and ensure a more responsible use of network infrastructure.
    Discover our new report on A Framework For a Responsible Use of Networks here: https://lnkd.in/e7mxvXA6
    #Networks #Telco #Telecoms #Vodafone #Report #Policy

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    One week to go! ⌛
    Prepare to be inspired by leading experts and pioneering innovators at MWC 2025!

    Join us for one of these exciting V-Talks, and many more:
    🛰️ Satellite Service for a Full Mobile Broadband Experience
    🔜 The Future of Tech in Business: Vodafone and Bloomberg
    🤖 The Business End of Gen AI. Vodafone and Microsoft share new insights

    Stay tuned for more!

    #MWCBarcelona #MWC25 #Vtalks #VodafoneBusiness #VodafoneMWC

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    🚀 Transforming Manufacturing with 5G! 🌍

    Discover how BASF Schwarzheide is leading the way in Industry 4.0 with Vodafone's 5G Campus Network. From reducing power costs by 20% to supporting 60 innovative use cases, this digital transformation is a game-changer.

    Curious to see how it's done? Dive into the full case study! ⤵️

    #Innovation #5G #IoT #DigitalTransformation #Manufacturing

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Get ready to be inspired by industry experts & future-shaping innovators at MWC Barcelona.

    Join our V-Talks where thought leaders discuss the future of 5G, IoT and beyond, including…

    Thomas Griffiths, Serpil Timuray, Johanna Wood, Olga Ustynova, Beatriz Fernández Sanz, Marika Auramo, Lisa Felton, Gary Adey, Chris Meads, Emre Ergun, Jennifer Gill Didoni, Sampada Basarkar and more.

    Discover more details here: https://lnkd.in/eV6X8htj

    #VodafoneMWC #MobileWorldCongress #IoT #5G #Technology #Business #MWC25

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    MWC Barcelona is on the horizon. Are you ready? 📶

    Technology reporter, Lucy Hedges, will be joining us at Mobile World Congress as our #MWC25 host, giving you the latest updates on this key industry event.

    Stay tuned for more with #VodafoneMWC.

    #MobileWorldCongress #Vodafone #Technology #Innovation #Connectivity #Event

  • Vodafone Deutschland on YouTube

    Vodafone ist Testsieger - MyBusiness TV Spot

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    What are the benefits of AI networking? 🤖

    AI-powered network solutions are revolutionising how businesses manage their networks.
    From predictive analytics to automated management, AI and ML are empowering IT teams to focus on strategic tasks.

    If you want to know more about AI-powered network innovations and Boundless Working, click below. ⏬

    #AI #IT #VodafoneBusiness #BoundlessWorking

  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    @OECD 💡 Anlässlich des #SaferInternetDay haben @Andreas Schleicher, Direktor für Bildung bei der OECD, und @Joakim Reiter, Chief External & Corporate Affairs Officer von Vodafone, heute einen gemeinsamen Blogbeitrag zu diesem Thema auf Basis der Studienergebnisse veröffentlicht.
  • Replying to @VF_Stiftung
    🌐 Mehr über Eduneon erfahrt ihr im Interview auf unserer Website: vodafone-stiftung.de/spotlightonedt…

    #BildungNeuDenken #EdTech #Innovation
    Photo from @vf_stiftung on Twitter on VF_Stiftung at 2/10/25 at 10:01AM
  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Shu Ling's CNY lunch event - placeholder

    3am cet is 10am Singapore

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Today, businesses are moving beyond office walls and embracing hybrid working models. But with this shift comes new cybersecurity challenges. ⛓️💥

    Creating a strong cybersecurity framework for global growth requires focusing on:
    🔐 Centralised security management
    🔑 Strong access controls and authentication
    🔍 Regular security audits and assessments

    Want to discover more? Check out our latest blog:

    #RemoteWorking #CyberSecurity #HybridWorking

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    How to unlock the full potential of your business with IoT Connectivity? 🌐

    Discover how to seamlessly control and monitor all your devices and SIMs globally and how we can help you manage over 187 million #IoT connections in more than 190 countries.

    Visit our stand at #MWC2025 to learn more!
    📍 Hall 3 Stand 3E11

    Explore more:

    #MWC25 #VodafoneMWC #MWCBarcelona #Connectivity #IoTConnectivity

  • Vodafone Deutschland on YouTube

    Unsere Hände können so viel mehr - Go Real Life

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Together with the Universidad de Málaga, we’re working with Intel Corporation to boost #5G uplink speeds ⏫

    This means more customers will be able to upload & send videos, photos & files faster.

    This is all thanks to a new algorithm developed by Vodafone and Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Telecomunicación de la Universidad de Málaga ('TELMA'), which boosts 5G uplink speeds and capacity.

    As a result, engineers from our Vodafone Innovation Centre in Málaga estimate that uplink speeds could potentially reach double that of existing solutions.

    Discover more at our #MWC25 stand or here: https://lnkd.in/eWVYmvjd

    #VodafoneMWC #TechNews #Partnership #Innovation #OpenRAN #AI #Technology #MobileWorldCongress

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    What went down on Day Two of Mobile World Congress 2025? 📶

    Our MWC TV host, Lucy Hedges, caught up with industry leaders from Vodafone including…
    ▶️ VOIS (Vodafone Intelligent Solutions) CEO Gary Adey
    ▶️ VOIS Chief Commercial Officer, Chris Meads
    ▶️ Vodafone Director of Network Strategy and Engineering, Nadia Benabdallah

    We shared two important technology announcements...
    🚨 Mission Critical ▶️ https://lnkd.in/eBwrH7G9
    🔍 Network sensing ▶️ https://lnkd.in/eCjYvsdT

    Some of our cutting-edge technology and programmes were also unveiled, such as...
    ⭕ Ambient IoT ▶️ A label-sized IoT solution that can keep track of port assets without human intervention

    Stay tuned for Day 3 as we bring you more updates. Learn more about our #VodafoneMWC activity at #MWC25 here: https://lnkd.in/eV6X8htj

    #MWC #MobileWorldCongress #IoT #Technology #Event #MWC2025 #VodafoneTranscript

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    We're launching our new Mission Critical (MCx) service, which provides essential voice, data, and video connectivity to first responders, public safety services, and the transportation sector.

    Our first deployment in Germany marks a significant milestone in enhancing crisis coordination through secure, real-time communications.

    Join us at #MWC25 to learn more about this groundbreaking service and read the release here: https://lnkd.in/eBwrH7G9

    #MissionCritical #5G #Connectivity #Communications #PublicSafety #VodafoneMWC #MobileWorldCongress #Technology  

  • Vodafone Deutschland on YouTube

    In the Lost Lands: Milla Jovovich, Dave Bautista & Paul W. S. Anderson über das Fantasy-Abenteuer

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    We recently hosted an exciting event for over 100 early careers colleagues from Vodafone Group, Ziggo and Turkey. From insightful talks from senior stakeholders and engaging workshops so socials and networking sessions, the event allowed our early careers colleagues to really feel part of our global community.

    One of the attendees Boris van der Voorn shared; 'This trip helped me connect with my colleagues at Vodafone Group and gave me an interesting learning experience for my future career.'

    At Vodafone, we're always excited for opportunities where our colleagues can learn, grow and connect. With you, we can inspire each other and the customers we serve.

    #togetherwecan #belong #earlycareers #collaboration

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    To grow we need to be open.

    Open to challenges. Open to opportunities. Open to new voices.

    We'll be showcasing technology and solutions built to enable customers to be open, with people at its heart, at Mobile World Congress this year.

    Discover the demos we'll be highlighting at MWC Barcelona in our interactive web story: https://lnkd.in/erEXHvfw

    #VodafoneMWC #MobileWorldCongress #Technology #Vodafone #TechNews #Innovation #5G #IoT #Networks #Connectivity #MWC25

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    One week to go! ⌛
    Prepare to be inspired by leading experts and pioneering innovators at MWC 2025!

    Join us for one of these exciting V-Talks, and many more:
    🛰️ Satellite Service for a Full Mobile Broadband Experience
    🔜 The Future of Tech in Business: Vodafone and Bloomberg
    🤖 The Business End of Gen AI. Vodafone and Microsoft share new insights

    Stay tuned for more!

    #MWCBarcelona #MWC25 #Vtalks #VodafoneBusiness

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Are YOU ready for Mobile World Congress?

    Tech reporter Lucy Hedges will be joining us in Barcelona at #MWC25 as our official host, giving you the lowdown of our innovations in connectivity.

    Stay tuned for more 👀📶

    #MWC #MobileWorldCongress #TechNews #Vodafone #Barcelona #Technology #IoT #5G #Tech #Event

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    Together with AST SpaceMobile and the Universidad de Málaga, we’re launching a new space and land mobile broadband research and validation hub for Europe 📡
    The hub is set to open by Summer 2025 at Vodafone’s Innovation Centre in Malaga, supported by the Agencia Espacial Española (Spanish Space Agency).
    Here we’ll be adopting Open RAN principles to create a new space/earth ecosystem, promoting common standards across Europe to help keep everyone connected.
    We’ll be sharing more on our satellite plans with partners at the key industry event, Mobile World Congress (#MWC25). If you’re attending, please visit us at our Vodafone stand 📍 Hall 3, Stand 3E11 🗓️ 3-6th March 2025.
    Read more here: https://lnkd.in/eBJsEYSY
    #VodafoneMWC #MobileWorldCongress #Satellite #Partnership #Networks #OpenRAN #Connectivity

  • Vodafone on LinkedIn

    We’re pleased to announce that we’ve been chosen by Oxfordshire County Council to install and manage a 5G SA Mobile Private Network (MPN) at Harwell Science and Innovation Campus 🧪🔭

    The new network will enhance #5G connectivity for technology laboratories, startups and research institutions based at the campus. The privacy and security offered will allow for access to specialised custom services such as drone detection.

    It will also unlock the full potential of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and ensure uninterrupted device connectivity, including during movement between buildings.

    Discover more below ⤵️


    #EveryoneConnected #MPN #Innovation #Connectivity #IoT 

  • Vodafone Business on LinkedIn

    Outsourcing to third parties offers undeniable benefits, but it can also bring challenges, especially in terms of security.

    Recent studies show that:
    ⛓️💥 Nearly 60% of data breaches are caused by third-party involvement
    🔍 Almost 2/3 of organisations have yet to conduct a thorough assessment of third-party risks
    📄 Only 46% of companies have checked the security and compliance of their suppliers

    Learn more about addressing security gaps and optimising third-party access in our latest blog. 👇

    #ThirdPartyRisk #SecureSupplyChain

  • Vodafone Deutschland on YouTube

    Immobilienverwaltung: KI übernimmt - der Mensch bleibt. StadtLandVernetzt. #18 mit Thomas Meier.

  • Unsere gemeinsame Pilotstudie mit der @OECD von Dezember letzten Jahres ergab, dass der Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) im Unterricht den Lernprozess unterstützen kann. 💻 🧠

    Photo from @vf_stiftung on Twitter on VF_Stiftung at 2/11/25 at 12:40PM
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